TEC37 E23: Optimize Cyber Tools to Reclaim Time, Resources and Money

Event Overview

The rising concern of cyber breaches within the enterprise has organizations grappling to figure out, just how secure are we? Having purchased numerous security solutions, it is critical for an organization to understand if and how these solutions are adequately protecting the infrastructure and securing vulnerable data. In this TEC37, Robb Boyd and WWT's experts, Matt Berry, Matt Long and Kris Carr, will discuss how WWT's Tools Rationalization approach will ensure your organization is advancing its security posture, optimizing investments, and pursuing reduction in spending.

What to expect

This episode will cover the following:
  • Why it's important to assess current investments in tooling
  • How WWT partners with our customers
  • How WWT helps our customers achieve positive financial outcomes

Goals and Objectives

Review challenges in the industry that create need for tools rationalization. Discuss WWT’s methodology to discover and assess a security tools portfolio. Develop understand about the value WWT brings to reduce expenses, mitigate risk, simplify partnership, operationalize current investments, etc.

Who should attend?

C-Suite Executive Decision Makers: Chief Security Officers, Chief Information Security Officer, Chief Technical Officer, CEO, Chief Compliance Officer. Technical Decision Makers: Information Security VP/Director, Business Continuity VP/Director, Cyber Operations VP/Director, Governance Compliance & Risk (GRC) VP/Director, Security Operations Center (SOC) VP/Director, Security/IT VP/Director, Compliance VP/Director, Cybersecurity VP/Director.