Advanced Configuration Lab  · On-demand

Pure Storage Remote Client Plugin for vSphere, vVols and Storage Insights Lab

Solution overview

Welcome to WWT's lab for Pure's Storage Remote Client Plugin for VMware VMFS, vVols, NFS datastores and Storage Insights. We designed this lab to showcase the new Remote Client Plugin and many of the features it enables for the VMware Administrator as it pertains to storage. After a brief introduction, you will dive right in to the Remote Client Plugin virtual appliance deployment and configuration along with a walkthrough of the many of the integrations the plugin brings.

July 2024 - The lab environment has been updated with Purity//FA 6.6.x and the latest vSphere .ova appliance that now supports NFS datastores.  The setup and configuration for adding NFS datastores running on FlashArray have been added to the labdocs for this lab.

Starting in vSphere 8.0, VMware no longer supports local plugins to be installed in vCenter and now relies on remote plugins. The Pure Storage Remote Client Plugin for vSphere provides the ability to VMware users to have insight into and control of their Pure Storage FlashArray environment while directly logged into the vSphere Client. The Pure Storage plugin extends the vSphere Client interface to include environmental statistics and objects that underpin the VMware objects in use and to provision new resources as needed.  

For those looking to move to VMware's Virtual Volumes (vVols) to provide VM granular control, management and storage policies, the Remote Client Plugin is required. You will see just how easy it is to setup, configure and migrate your VMs to a vVols backed datastore running on the Pure FlashArray.

Lab diagram

