via Newsweek

Trust may be the most important dynamic between consumers and the companies they do business with—it affects decisions about where to shop, what to buy and even where to work. A PwC survey conducted in January and released on March 12 found that 90 percent of executives believe that customers highly trust their companies. But that same poll found that only 30 percent of customers feel that they highly trust companies—a 60-percentage-point "trust gap" that is 3 percentage points greater than the ones PwC found in 2022 and 2023.

The Most Trustworthy Companies have been chosen based on a holistic approach to evaluating trust. The three main public pillars of trust were considered: customer trust, investor trust, and employee trust.

Newsweek has partnered with Statista for the third time in a ranking that lists 700 U.S. companies based on trustworthiness. Public and private companies across 23 industries—including banking, insurance, media and clothing—were included based on an independent survey of about 25,000 Americans that took place in October and November 2023. A total of 97,000 company evaluations were submitted that considered the points of view of potential customers, investors and employees.

Additionally, internet media mentions of each company were analyzed, and companies involved in recent scandals or lawsuits related to trustworthiness were excluded from the ranking.

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