Workshop8 hours

Identity and Access Management Workshop

As identities span across internal, external, customer or a combination of the three, how are you managing them? What is your confidence level that you know who that identity belongs to? With the trend of "identity is the new perimeter," it is extremely vital that organizations have an IAM strategy and know how IAM can enable a business while strengthening their security posture.

What to Expect

With the Identity and Access Management Workshop, participants will work with our security experts to: 

  • Review what an Identity is and how that aligns to your organization's view of identity
  • Review goals, requirements and challenges for a modern identity program
  • Discuss WWT's Identity reference architecture, which includes people, process and technology
  • Develop high-level recommendations and next steps to enhance and mature your Identity program

Goals & Objectives

This workshop will help your organization understand the different types of Identities and how they each impact your organization. This workshop will highlight how an Identity and Access Management (IAM) program touches all aspects of an organization, from Security, to HR, IT, Business Units, Audit, etc. 

WWT's IAM topics include:

  • Lifecycle & Governance (LG)
  • Network Access Control (NAC)
  • Single Sign-On / Multi-factor Authentication (SSO/MFA)
  • Privileged Account Management (PAM)
  • Encryption and Key Management

WWT understands that IAM is different for every organization so our workshop is customized to your needs.  Since this workshop is customizable, you can select one or more of the above topics depending on the specific needs of your organization.

What is a workshop? A workshop is a working session in which technology decision makers, architects, engineers and line of business representation meet with WWT subject matter experts, engineers, program/process management and sales teams to evaluate or compare how specific strategies and technologies could be deployed in your organization. These are paid engagements with a defined outcome and deliverable, e.g. action plan, high-level architectural design, proposal or quote for project implementation. They take place in-person or via video conference and last from 4 hours to 5 days.

Who should attend: Any and all people who deal with Identity. This can include individual contributors and decision makers. 


The organization will ultimately have a better understanding of what is required to have a modern Identity and Access Management program integrated properly throughout the enterprise. A robust IAM program strengthens security, creates efficiencies, lowers overhead, improves end-user experience. A list of action items specific to your organization's goals and objectives will be provided by WWT's identity experts after the conclusion of the workshop. 


What's next?

Learn more about Identity and Access Management, stay up-to-date with the industry and the new technology we have at WWT.