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3 results found
Red Hat OpenShift Briefing
A cloud-native platform like OpenShift can significantly accelerate common business and technical objectives, such as establishing a digital transformation strategy or a platform for next-generation workloads. This briefing is beneficial for customers who are interested in learning more about the Red Hat OpenShift product portfolio and can be tailored for business and technical audiences.
• 1 hr
Cloud-Native Container Optimization Discussion
In today's fast-paced digital environment, optimizing containerization strategies is essential for maintaining competitive edge and operational efficiency. The Cloud-Native Container Optimization Discussion (CCOD) serves as a course correction step for organizations aiming to refine their containerization approach and reduce costs. This session is designed to assess your current containerization landscape, identify pain points, and provide tailored recommendations to streamline your operations.
• 2 hrs
Cloud-Native Platforms Briefing
Cloud-native platforms are the foundation for organizations to host next-generation, business-critical workloads. Platforms such as these represent a new paradigm in how applications and workloads are deployed, scaled and distributed.
• 1 hr